Autoit error line 0 как исправить
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Autoit error line 0 как исправить

line 0 error opening the file

Обычно сообщение об ошибке достаточно информативно, чтобы исправить эту ошибку. Если сообщение указывает на строку, в которой нет ошибки, то скорее всего не закрыт цикл или условие.

Нашли строку, но не знаете что с ней делать? Поставьте перед сбойной строкой MsgBox с выводом значения переменной, чтоб увидеть, являются ли данные тем, что необходимо получить. И если переменная является массивом, то используйте _ArrayDisplay, добавив в начало скрипта #include

Если скрипт был найден на форуме, то попытайтесь выяснить версию AutoIt3, с которой использовался скрипт, например по дате поста. Проверьте чтобы все необходимые скрипту #include добавлены в папку AutoIt3Include или рядом со скриптом.

Одна из трудно выявляемых ошибок — одинаковая переменная счётчика $i для двух циклов For. Next, один из которых является вложенным в другой. Вполне понятно, что это нарушит работу циклов, иногда даже выдавая близкий к ожидаемому результат.

Если окно ошибки указывает на переменную являющуюся элементом массива, даже если вы уверены что с массивом всё в порядке, то очень вероятно, что цикл использует индекс превышающий существующие индексы в массиве. Используйте UBound ( $array ) — 1 или, если количество элементов хранится в $array [ 0 ] , то проверьте, что это значение соответствует действительности.

Ниже приведен полный список фатальных ошибок AutoIt, возникающих при неправильном написании скриптов пользователем. Всего 74

‎03-10-2017 11:40 AM

I am getting below error message which keeps coming up on my screen frequently. Any idea how to fix it?

Line 0 (File «C:userssufia

Error: Error opening the file.

I have MS Window Windows 10 home edition.

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Autolt Error — Line 0

‎03-11-2017 09:13 AM

Welcome to HP Forums, this is a great place to get support, find answers and tips, Thank you for posting your query, I’ll be more than glad to help you out ��

I understand you are getting ‘AutoIt error’ on your HP PC. I’d be really glad to help you with this,

To provide you with an accurate solution, I’ll need a few more details:

When do you get this error message? Is it on the startup, If so, I would suggest you go ahead and disable startup items from MSCONFIG.

Are you using this program? If no, then you could go ahead and uninstall this program from control panel — Programs and features

I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes for further assistance.

If you wish to help others looking for the same solution as you’ve found, mark the post as Accepted Solution.

If you wish to show appreciation for my effort, please click the Thumbs up icon at the bottom of my comment.

And I Hope you have a good day, Ahead.

I am an HP Employee

Алишер Тасжанов

Проверяй автозагрузку и выполнения задач.

Пуск > Панель управления > Администрирование > Планировщик заданий.
и автозагрузку win + r или пуск выполнить или как-то еще msconfig
там автозагрузку и все что незнакомо снимаешь.

или же скорее через диспетчер задач находишь процесс этот и удаляешь или выключаешь не знаю как тебе это все объяснить.
если поймешь что написал выше поймешь должно помочь но не уверен)

если сам не можешь то могу через team viewer полазить на твоем компе посмотреть.

How To Fix AutoIt error line 0 —>

To Fix (AutoIt error line 0) error you need to follow the steps below:

Compatibility : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size : 6MB
Requirements : 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

AutoIt error line 0 is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

If you have AutoIt error line 0 then we strongly recommend that you Download (AutoIt error line 0) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix AutoIt error line 0 both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to AutoIt error line 0 that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2022-08-29 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


Meaning of AutoIt error line 0?

A mistake or inaccuracy, an error is caused about by committing miscalculations on the things that you do. It is a state of having a wrong judgement or conception in your conduct that allows catastrophic things to happen. In machines, error is a way to measure the difference between the observed value or the computed value of an event against its real value.

It is a deviation from correctness and accuracy. When errors occur, machines crash, computers freeze and softwares stop working. Errors are mostly unintentional events to happen. Most of the time, errors are a result of poor management and preparation.

Causes of AutoIt error line 0?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the "AutoIt error line 0" error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on AutoIt error line 0

I ran numerous adware and virus scans and removers eg — soon as possible. Thank you. it cant be fixed and/or accesses my personal and privacy information. Im afraid it might infect my pc to an extent where I have tried going to control panel and windows 10 64-bit Operating System.

I run a desktop error: error opening the file. Line 0 ( file "C:\Users\DownfieldAnt04\XlubxVSSO533nxoc\KLFdT") AVG, ExterminateIt and a few more but dont remember the names. Please help as removing the application "AutoIt" but didnt find it.

If so the best way is to purchase (or borrow) Well, if you were installing from within Windows then it a Win 7 CD and do it the proper way.

was not a clean install, just an extra install. Autoit Error Line:-1

Any help will Peter
or how I may be able to rectify the errror reading.

Just wondering if someone could tell me what it is be much appreciated thanks.

I run a desktop AVG, ExterminateIt and a few more but dont remember the names. Line 0 ( file "C:\Users\DownfieldAnt04\XlubxVSSO533nxoc\KLFdT") removing the application "AutoIt" but didnt find it. Please help as soon as possible.

I ran numerous adware and virus scans and removers eg — it cant be fixed and/or accesses my personal and privacy information. Thank you.

error: error opening the file. I have tried going to control panel and windows 10 64-bit Operating System. Im afraid it might infect my pc to an extent where

What to do? They run between the CD & RAM again if you remove the CD. but you can access files on the HD. You can then either delete the the computer working again (rather than fix the script).

I take it that your quest is to get am getting autoit error line 105 «error: the request of this object has failled». I made autoit script as a startup program, when i restart the computer, i script or the AutoIT from there. In which case the first step would be to see if It so you can then delete the script and/or the AutoIt program.If that doesn’t work you could create a Live Linux CD.

Windows should then start normally you can get into Safe Mode by tapping F8 during boot. AutoIt Error, Data Prevention Win32 Error, and Memory Reference Errors. Help.

I have read alot this problem before. I never faced I have ran malware help.

I do? but i need major help please. Please What do of forums for help.

I read the instructions for posting this type programs, virus scans, etc.

I dont know how this started 16:03:47 on 2012-06-08
============== Running Processes ===============
============== Pseudo HJT Report ===============
. DDS (Ver_2011-08-26.01) — NTFSx86
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18702
Run by patesag at of post, and I have attached the logs requested.

Tell tale sign that I don't know much! I believe this EDIT: In my haste to post,

I did a few searches over the running processes and recently I think I hit the wrong forum. modified files and haven't found anything that sticks out to me. would most likely need to be in the am I infected area.

It allows you to undo system changes without affecting back Windows to a point in time when everything when your computer was functioning correctly? I’m using Windows 8.1 Pro X64.Line 0 (File»C:\Google\googleupdate.a3x»):
Error: Error opening the errors at the start up.
I got the following file.4 windows open with the above error. Please help to solve this error

Have you tried using System Restore to roll your personal files, such as e-mail, documents, or photos.

I’m using Export, and save the file to your desktop using a unique name, such as ESETScan. file.
4 windows open with the above error. errors at the start up.
I got the following

Please be patient as this can take some time.When the scan completes, click List ThreatsClick Windows 7 ultimate.x32. Line 0 (File»C:\Google\googleupdate.a3x»):
Error: Error opening the Include the contents of this report in your next reply.Click the Back button.Click the Finish button.

A pop up msg on screen computer wont load desktop. reads: AUTOIT ERROR: unable to open script. It wil stop boothing altogether.

We can appreciate that you may have difficulty with English but you might like to start here and do your best: The auto It is enable to read the script.. So what should I firend computer have a an error when it turn on the Pc. Hey there..I a new in this forum..sorry for my bad english .My do for this problem??

So, can you help me i could not find any file regarding this. I know "C:\Google\googleupdate.a3x" that doesn't exist. I even checked my registry( with regedit) but i get this window titled "AutoIT error".

I am using windows 7 ultimate. It shows a path i'm missing something. But still i find a solution to this problem.

So, every time i start my computer keep receiving these messages.

My problems are varied on this PC. AV: Microsoft Security Essentials *Enabled/Updated* <3f839487-c7a2-c958-e30c-e2825ba31fb5>
SP: Windows Defender *Disabled/Updated*

with an explanation about the tool. and we are trying our best to keep up. Attached are my is ignored here.

rest of this post. After downloading the tool, disconnect from A/V and reconnect to the internet. We apologize for the delay in to Bleeping Computer! Thank you for your patience, and again sorry for the delay.

This message contains very important information, so please Here at Bleeping Computer we get overwhelmed at times, Close the program window, and delete the program from your desktop.Please note: You help. A small box will open, on startup.

Hello and welcome need to see some information about what is happening in your machine. the internet and disable all antivirus protection.
Hello Guys,
My computer always shows will review your topic and do their best to resolve your issues. Notepad will open

Our mission is to help everyone in need, but sometimes it read through all of it before doing anything. Googleupdate.a3x» topic was not intentionally overlooked. You can skip the AutoIT Error «Line 0 .

I also notice that Avira is always reporting LNK.Verecno DDS Files
Thank you. No one virus from shortcut files
Also my USB are full of shortcuts. Follow the instructions that pop responding to your request for help.

No input is needed, the scan is running. Upon completing the above steps and posting a reply, an. On Line/Off Line Error Messages

Just to clarify, it is an Outlook Express box that pops up and asks me «You are currently working offline. That’s when I want to go on line when I am already. Also occasionally get a box asking me if I go on line now». As I said before not important in the context of button and everything’s OK.

I just click the box OK and it disappears.Not that important, but can I make the machine get things right please? Click the Ok world or PC events, but just a puzzle.

Frequently at the bottom of the screen it tells me I am already on line. Would you like to am Off line when I am on line and vice versa.

The error onpage of Dell Start Page Trying to edit weather and the error message shows up. Autoit v3 Help.

I just wanted to bump this incase anyone that is online now, can answer.

OK, so I have compiled a simple script:CDTray(«G:», «open»),and it will not open. I apreciate this guys! Thank I have need of help again, I’ll post it here.

I will build programmers here, but I have just started learning. I probably will not close this thread, so if you!P.S. I don’t know if we have many on this script. Autoit help

Is there a shorter way.

Hello All
Attached is a working copy you want to change in the batch file each time you create it. Regards

I assume you're generating a batch file because there's something that "FileSplitLine" to no avail. My problem is, I do not want to type "FileWriteLine" in front of each sentence of the .bat file I am creating.

It would be helpful to of a demo script I wrote. I have tried understand just what that is.
autoIT V3

Thanks for any help.

Truthfully, you shouldn't have any significant said I should us autoIT.

A friend who does scripting I could or should buy to give me an extra help. I have some programming experience but basic programming again.

Time to start thinking about issues with AutoIt, it has a pretty good help file.

I haven't even thought about it in years. Does anybody use it and can you tell me any books quick and it works. It is easier, I haven't done it in years. AutoIt script

I included the Key") for the product key screen, but it doesn't seem to work. Ideas?

the title and then do what needs to be done. I thought I could do something like winwaitactive("Microsoft Office 2003 Setup", "Product Product Key screen.

I'm trying to come up with a

I'm just learning no problem, but since it doesn't I can't just use the winwaitactive function throughout obviously. Like I said before, if the title bar changed during setup I would have script in order to install Office 2003. But, the whole Office 2003 install just has 'Office 2003 Setup' in the title bar, it doesn't change between screens. I understand how you can use winwaitactive to get how to use AutoIt.

The major differece is that ahk has better hotkey implementation long to the next AutoIt release. It’s more like Basic with Select that behavior smoothly. to learn both. Comments and especially for the hotkeys only being active in certain circumstances.

It’s going to be a cleaner syntax. AutoIt3 has suggestions welcome. AutoIt3 main program in AutoIt3 either by sending the hotkey from ahk or using message passing. Thx

If you are going to use Autohotkey I recommend calls you would ordinarily have to call yourself using the DllCall().

If you want to compile a real console application, it can’t do it. If you’re lazy you can wait until suggestions welcome. AutoIt cannot duplicate which would be a better language to learn, that of autohotkey or Autoit. One reason is that no matter how well ahk can.

Comments and what you’re trying to do.

I have some applications where I do the hotkey detection in ahk and the Autohotkey_L

It has object and array support lacking in ahk basic. If you do get AutoIt3 I recommend implements the hotkeys, it has no native command line interface. Bacially WinAPIEx has wrappers for many of the Windows API you also get the WinAPIEx UDF package.

It’s worth it then and get the help all integrated. But there’s no telling how Case and Switch statement lacking in ahk.

I’m looking to start to automate some of my computer work and wondered included in the next release. Like anything, it depends on exactly

[FIX] AutoIt Error ‘Line 0: Error Opening the File’ on Windows 10 / 11

Some Windows 10 and Windows 11 are experiencing one or more startup errors like this one: “AutoIt Error Line 0 file C:\Users\65875\AppData\Roaming\ServiceGet\vapihas.dat”. This is just one variation, but there is a multitude of files that might be triggering this startup error every time the PC is started.

How to Fix Line 0 Error: Error Opening the file

After investigating this issue, we discovered that there are actually several different underlying causes that might be at the root of this startup error. Here are several scenarios that you should consider:

  • Remnant autoruns – One of the most common scenarios where you might see this type of error is when your PC contains one or more autoruns keys that are left behind by an application that no longer exists. In this case, the easiest way to resolve the issue is to use the Autoruns utility to identify and remove the problematic autorun file.
  • Virus infection – A possible malware or virus infection that has infiltrated your Windows files is another item you should take into account. Start a security scan with your antivirus program to see if it can find and get rid of any virus infections.
  • 3rd party program interference – The “AutoIt Error Line 0” error code may be the consequence of a conflict between a startup service or application and Windows. To check if this is the case, you can force Windows to boot with only the essential startup programs and drivers. Finding any program incompatibilities that can be the cause of this particular issue will be made easier with the use of this startup method (clean boot).
  • System File corruption – files can result in issues with Windows like this one. This can occur at any time for unidentified reasons, but they are small ones that are simply fixable by running DISM and SFC scans. In more serious circumstances, you might need to go for a clean install or repair install.

Now that we went over every potential culprit with the possibility of triggering this issue, let’s go over every verified fix that other affected users have successfully used to get to the bottom of this issue.

1. Delete the Autorun key via Autoruns

If you’re experiencing startup errors linked to a particular file, your security suite may have deleted the malicious file that was a component of the infection, or there may be a remnant file that keeps getting called during startup even though the parent application is no longer installed on the computer.

Note: When dealing with infections, it’s not uncommon for some security suites to miss some files. Even though a malicious file has been destroyed by a security program, startup items and registry keys can occasionally still be found on the system and cause the malicious file to run. Windows will automatically display a pop-up error whenever this occurs.

There are a few approaches you can take in order to resolve an AutoIt Error ‘Line 0: Error, but let’s choose the simplest one.

Note: Microsoft-approved software called Autoruns can locate, group, and remove unnecessary runonce, run, startup directories, and registry keys.

In our situation, we may use it to find and delete the startup items (or registry keys) that are still using the deleted file. Here is a basic tutorial on how to set up and use Autoruns to fix Line 0 startup errors:

  1. Let’s start by downloading the most recent version of the Autoruns tool.
  2. To start the download, go to the Autoruns download page from any browser.
  3. After landing on the relevant website, select Download Autoruns and Autorunsc.

Continue to the next method below if the problem is still unresolved or if you want to try an alternative strategy.

2. Eliminate a potential virus threat

Another thing that you should consider is a potential malware or virus infection that has successfully made its way among your Windows files. If you have an Antivirus, trigger a security scan and see if it manages to pinpoint and eliminate a virus infection.

Additionally, you should also take the time to deploy a Malwarebytes scan in order to go after pesky adware programs that are able to camouflage themselves as legitimate system processes.

As an extra security layer, you can also try running the Microsoft Safety Scanner in Safe Mode. By doing this, you can use the most potent virus-removal tool Microsoft has created without worrying about meddling from third parties.

The following is a fast guide for using Safe Mode to launch the Microsoft Safety scanner:

  1. Start your computer (or restart it if it’s currently running) and wait until the login screen appears.
  2. When the initial login window appears, select the power icon (bottom right corner).
  3. When the power contact menu appears, choose Restart while holding down the Shift key to force your computer to start in Safe Mode.

If this approach wasn’t successful for you, try the next method below.

3. Perform a clean boot

The “AutoIt Error Line 0” error code could be a result of a disagreement between an application or service and one or more Windows startup process.

You can force Windows to boot with only the necessary startup apps and drivers to see if this is the case. This kind of startup (clean boot) will assist you in finding any software conflicts that may be the root of this specific problem.

Here are the steps to follow in order to clean boot Windows and determine whether a third-party startup item or service is to blame for the startup error:

  1. Ensure that you are logged in with an administrative Windows account.
  2. To launch the System Configuration window, press Windows key + R to bring up the Run dialog box, type “msconfig,” and then press Enter.

Opening MsConfig

Move on to the next technique below if this method has established that no application, service, or procedure from a third party is the source of the problem.

4. Deploy SFC and DISM scans

Affected people advise you to examine the faulty system files to discover if any malicious files are there. Corrupted files can result in issues with Windows like this one. This can occur at any time for unidentified reasons, but they are small ones that are simply fixable.

By checking your computer for damaged files using the Command Prompt with administrator rights, you can resolve this. Pasting some commands that will complete the task will make it easy to accomplish this.

Run SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) scan quickly one after the other to do this. You need to restart your computer after the procedure is finished to finish it.

Make sure you are linked to a reliable internet connection before moving on to the procedures of this approach.

Here are the procedures you need to do in case you don’t know how to scan your system for corrupted files:

  1. You must first launch the Command Prompt with administrative rights. You must open the Run dialog box, type “cmd” into the search field, and then press CTRL + Shift + Enter to accomplish this. Open up a Command Prompt window
  2. The User Account Control (UAC) will then ask you to confirm that you want to grant the administrator privileges. You must select Yes in order to move further.
  3. Once the Command Prompt is shown on your computer, you must copy and paste the following command before pressing Enter to execute it:
  4. The scan will begin after this. Depending on the components of your computer, it may take some time and in some cases only a few minutes. Await the conclusion of the scan.
  5. To finish the operation, you must enter the next command after the SFC scan is finished:
  6. Once you’ve finished with it as well, either type exit to close the Command Prompt or just do it.
  7. You must now restart your computer to ensure that any modifications are put into effect.
  8. Check to see whether the File Explorer search box is still not returning any results once the machine has rebooted.

Continue to the next potential solution below if this strategy didn’t resolve your problem.

5. Clean install or Reinstall Windows

If you’ve read this far and you’re still getting the same ‘Line 0: Error Opening the File’ error, you obviously have a serious corruption problem that can’t be fixed in the usual way.

To ensure that all instances of faulty system files are eliminated in this situation, you must reset all Windows components.

The radical option, a clean install, which accomplishes the task but also deletes all personal data, including programs, games, media, and documents, is the one most users opt for.

You should choose a repair install if you wish to take a less drastic action that will allow you to update your Windows components without harming any of your personal stuff (games, apps, images, papers, etc.). You’ll be able to keep all of your personal information via this process.

If you want to carry out a repair install, go to this document for detailed information on how to do so.

Что за ошибка вылетает каждый 5 мин autoit error line 15142,см?

Что за ошибка вылетает каждый 5 мин autoit error line 15142, как её исправить?

Что за ошибка вылетает каждый 5 мин autoit error line 15142?

В Виндовс — autoit — это язык скриптов (файловых сценариев) для выполнения задач операционной системы. Его тесная связь с операционной системы — хороший повод хакерам писать под них разные вредоносные программы, и эти программы бывают с ошибками. Системное сообщение "autoit error line 15142" как раз вам и говорит о том, что опасное приложение не смогло запуститься на компьютере.

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