Lcfc debug page information что это
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Lcfc debug page information что это

При запуске сообщение об ошибке на синем баннере LCFC Debug Page Information

Сообщение об ошибке при запуске chrome
Здравствуйте, Уважаемые. При запуске Google Chrome стало появляться сообщение "В устройстве нет.

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Я собирался отправить компьютер обратно в Lenovo для ремонта, хотя я решил взять это дело самостоятельно.

В настоящее время у меня есть 840 про 128 ГБ SSD в Lenovo Y700 при возникновении этой ошибки.

Я удалил 840 Pro с компьютера Lenovo и подключил жесткий диск к док-станции на другом компьютере.

После подключения к док-станции на другом компьютере я подготовил полный формат.

Затем я устанавливаю жесткий диск обратно в компьютер Lenovo и делаю новую установку.

Во время установки я удалил все разделы и создал новый.

Поскольку у новой установки Windows 10 еще не было проблем. Кодов ошибок нет.

Вывод: я считаю, что это связано с установленным набором микросхем. Удостоверьтесь, что вы установили самую последнюю версию и не откатываетесь обратно в конфиденциальную версию, а затем обратно.

Laptop opening up with some Nvidia error & LCFC Debug page information

Laptop opening up with some Nvidia error & LCFC Debug page information

First thing first, until yesterday I didn’t have any booting issues — it was always fast, never needed my manual intervention in over an year.

I shut down the system normally as I do & today morning when I flipped my laptop (flip to start option), I get this error page on startup. I assumed may be I did something unknowingly in my sleep last night & let it be, as when I used the power switch to turn off & turn on lappy, I didn’t have any issue. I tried rebooting didn’t have any issue.

Now again, I have this same error. I am clueless on what to do. The only thing I did before the shut down is let the laptop into sleep mode — as I was away from it. I woke it up & shut down the laptop. I turn on my laptop after 4hrs, I see this error again.

I got Nvidia update today but the error happened even before the update was downloaded & installed, same with the Cumulative update of windows.

JFI, I just ran sfc /scannow & had zero issues.

I would appreciate some help on how I could fix this issue.

Attached ThumbnailsAttached Thumbnails Laptop opening up with some Nvidia error & LCFC Debug page information-nvidia.jpg

Hi Joe, thanks for your response.

I tried /lastwake, this is the result I got

I tried System Sleep Diagnostics as well, attaching the html report page in rar format as the forums doesn’t support .html uploads.

I did /waketimers, got the following output for now

Did /sleepstudy too & attached the html file into rar format — both the rar files are safe to open — I scanned them on my AV Bitdefender before uploading.

  • system-sleep-diagnostics.rar (12.5 KB, 1 views)
  • sleepstudy-report.rar (33.4 KB, 1 views)

Reliability History didn’t show any issues. I tried reinstalling Nvidia drivers too from their "Nvidia’s GeForce Experience" app, it didn’t fix anything either. And yeah I didn’t see any errors on Device Manager either on the first look.

But yeah I was able to resolve it I think, by a BIOS update. I saw on Lenovo forums that people with other models had similar issues & it was fixed through BIOS update for their systems. So, I checked around I had one too.
There was a release of new update on 17th March but it didn’t reach my system yet on their software "Lenovo Vantage". When I tried to run the update manually by downloading the exe file — I ran into the nvidia error again during reboot — so I had to abort the update, the only option I had as it said "I had a mismatch firmware & need to press Enter to reset the changes".

I called Lenovo Support & the executive was able to run the BIOS update after running one of their homegrown software (accessed my Laptop via their software, works like Teamviewer), for the first reboot — BIOS didn’t get updated but I didn’t see the error either, so she ran the BIOS update again on Thursday evening — this time BIOS updated properly, she confirmed it too.

So, since thursday evening — I haven’t seen the error again, hopefully never again.

Lcfc debug page information что это

При покупке в РФ действует гарантия на 2 года. Международной гарантии нет.

Не забываем благодарить авторов полезной информации, это ничего не стоит, но является прекрасным мотиватором

Прикрепленное изображение

Сообщение отредактировал Xантер — 16.08.22, 10:03

Во вторник, 27 июля, в 12:00 в фирменном магазине Lenovo будет открыт предзаказ на следующие модели:

Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6000GRK — R7 5800H /3060 /16 (8+8) /1TB /NOOS /Серый / — 125-150 — Штучно
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6000ERU — R7 5800H /3070 /16 (8+8) /1TB /W10 /Серый / — 150-175 — Штучно
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6000FRU — R7 5800H /3060 /16 (8+8) /1TB /W10 /Серый / — 150-175 — Штучно
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6000HRK — R7 5800H /3070 /16 (8+8) /1TB /NOOS /Серый / — 150-175 — Штучно
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6000JRK — R7 5800H /3070 /32 (16+16) /1TB /NOOS /Серый / — 150-175 — Штучно
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6001MRK — R7 5800H /3080 /16 (8+8) /1TB /NOOS /Серый / — 175-200 — Средне
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6000CRU — R7 5800H /3070 /32 (16+16) /1TB /W10 /Серый / — 175-200 — Штучно
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6001KRU — R7 5800H /3080 /16 (8+8) /1TB /W10 /Серый / — 200-250 — Средне
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6001LRK — R9 5900HX /3080 /32 (16+16) /1TB /NOOS /Серый / — 200-250 — Средне
Legion7 16ACHg6 — 82N6000DRU — R9 5900HX /3080 /32 (16+16) /2TB (1+1) /W10 /Серый / — 250+ — Штучно

LCFC Debug Page Information pop up

So recently this has been popping up every start up on my Lenovo Legion Y520 15IKBN. I have no clue what's causing but from what I read it's related to BIOS yet there is no apparent fix for it despite people "resetting BIOS" or anything of the sort.

All I want to know is if this will eventually kill the laptop if I keep pressing escape from this pop up every restart or if I don't update my BIOS or whatever since the SSD is MBR and not GPT. Due to fear of what could happen if I forcibly try to convert it to MBR through an external program I haven't updated my BIOS.

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